We care about every detail...
Our accounts perform 2 - 3x better than traditional accounts, leading to more engagement, leads, and booked appointments.

Tap into an infinite pool of profiles
Generate leads at scale

One profile
400 more connections

The ONLY Accounts That Can Get ID Verified...

Our Accounts vs Fake Avatars
Account Suspensions
Account Market:​
our profiles belong to real people, so we have their government-issued IDs to verify them once LinkedIn pushes for it. Our accounts never get permanently suspended.
Fake Avatars:
their profiles are fake. As such, they don't have real IDs and get permanently banned at some point or another. Providers will promise to replace them once that happens, but really, you will be going in circles as the new profile will get banned too.
Account Market:​
our profiles are exclusive to whoever rents them, meaning no one else besides you or your team will be accessing the account to tamper with leads or exhaust your weekly limits.
Fake Avatars:
their profiles belong to resellers that usually reassign their avatars to the highest bidder. With fake avatars, you run the risk of others stealing your information, leads, and even changing the account's password.
Return on Investment
Account Market:​
considering our profiles never get banned, you get to truly build a network and establish real traction leading to a massive ROI.
Fake Avatars:
considering fake avatars always get banned, you will never build a network, generate real traction, and most of your ROI will be chirped away paying for new profiles to replace the ones you lost.
The "Michael Jordan" of LinkedIn Accounts
Our services have been used by over 250 resellers, platforms, and marketing agencies including:


Account Pricing
Basic Account
75$Every monthÂ- Based In Any Location
- Manually Warmed Up
- Includes Dedicated Proxy
- Unique Digital Footprint
- Secure Account Access Via Our Dashboard
- 24 Hour Replacement Guarantee
- 500+ Connections
- 100% Customizable
- Includes ID (Can Pass LinkedIn's Identity Verification)
Premium Account
85$Every monthIncludes Business PremiumÂ- Based In Any Location
- Manually Warmed Up
- Includes Dedicated Proxy
- Unique Digital Footprint
- Secure Account Access Via Our Dashboard
- 24 Hour Replacement Guarantee
- 500+ Connections
- 100% Customizable
- Includes LinkedIn Business Premium
- Includes ID (Can Pass LinkedIn's Identity Verification)
Sales Nav Account
125$Every monthIncludes Sales NavigatorÂ- Based In Any Location
- Manually Warmed Up
- Includes Dedicated Proxy
- Unique Digital Footprint
- Secure Account Access Via Our Dashboard
- 24 Hour Replacement Guarantee
- 500+ Connections
- 100% Customizable
- Includes LinkedIn Sales Navigator
- Includes ID (Can Pass LinkedIn's Identity Verification)
What is the difference between a Basic and Premium account.Basic accounts are ID-verified LinkedIn accounts that have been previously warmed up and are ready to be used for outreach, scraping, or other LinkedIn activities. These are old, have connections in their network, and a good SSI score. However, Basic accounts DO NOT have Sales Navigator. A Premium account has all the features, characteristics, and perks of a Basic account but they also HAVE Sales Navigator on them. This allows you to reach more people on LinkedIn, send more Inmails, and scrape profiles with much more advanced filters. Both are Basic or Premium Accounts are ID Verifiable. This means they belong to real humans and are backed by real government issued IDs we can use to bypass any annoying verification LinkedIn might throw our way.
How many connections, messages, or Inmails can I send on them?You should understand that LinkedIn, as a platform, has limits you should follow if you want to avoid getting your account banned. We will help you stay on LinkedIn's good graces by walking you through how to properly warm up an account and what limits to follow. As for the LIMITS and HOW TO PROPERLY WARM UP the account, follow these instructions: Connections Sent Per Day: start at 10 per day, increase by 1 each day until you reach 20 per day. (20 per weekday is the max you can send) Inmails Sent Per Day: start at 10 per day, increase by 2 each day until you reach 30 per day. (30 per weekday is the max you can send) Messages To First Degree Connections: 40 per weekday Messages To Groups: 40 per weekday Sales Nav Extractions: 2,500 Per Day Profile Info Extractions: 200 Per Day
How do you deliver the accounts and how long does it take.We open a Slack channel where you'll have 24/7 access to our customer support team. They will provide credentials to your rented accounts as well as their access codes -- all done via Slack. Account deliveries can take between 1 to 7 days, depending on how many you order and what type.
Am I free to edit the profiles as I want?The account is super flexible to be edited as you want. However, DO NOT change: THE ACCOUNTS NAME (otherwise it won't match the ID/passport we have and ID verification won't be possible) THE ACCOUNTS PROFILE PICTURE (we have a professional picture from the owner, so please DONT change this otherwise it can permanently restrict the account. Impersonating others is not allowed by LinkedIn. If you need the picture changed we can ask the account owner for a formal picture) THE ACCOUNTS LOCATION This will trigger an ID verification when changed that might also make it harder to verify. Everything else you’re free to change.
What if my account gets suspended?If you broke the best practices guide sent before starting, no refunds apply. If that was not the case, we will first start by ID verifying the accounts with the government issued IDs we have for each profile. If, for some reason, this fails, we will proceed to replace the accounts while the old ones get verified. Do note, the ID verification process is expedited by LinkedIn and usually takes 2 - 4 business days.
Does my account come with an ID Verified badge?All of our accounts belong to real people and have real government issued IDs we can use to pass LinkedIn's ID verification. Some of them come with the ID Verified badge, but not always. This does not mean the account is not real, it just means the account owner's document is from a country where the badge is not supported. If you truly need the ID Verified badge we will provide an account that has it. Extra fees might apply.
Can I use the accounts for outreach or scraping?You totally can, and our accounts are compatible with pretty much every tool or software you know or use including Overlead, HeyReach, Waalaxy, Expandi, LinkedIn Helper, Ulinc, Dripify, PhantomBuster, Reply, Lusha, Skylead, and IceReach, to name a few.